
The Art of Traveling Slow; How nature can heal you?

September 14, 2023

In the chaos of our world of jet-set adventures and fast-paced sightseeing, there exists a hidden gem of travel wisdom that often gets overshadowed – the art of slowing down. While it’s exhilarating to explore new destinations and check off bucket list items, there’s a deeper and more enriching way to experience the world. It […]

The Art of Traveling Slow; How nature can heal you?
The Art of Traveling Slow; How nature can heal you?
The Art of Traveling Slow; How nature can heal you?
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Photographer, Published Author & Creative Director behind @helloemilie. My style of dream-like imagery has led me to all corners of our planet to discover the light, beauty and interconnections all around us.


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In the chaos of our world of jet-set adventures and fast-paced sightseeing, there exists a hidden gem of travel wisdom that often gets overshadowed – the art of slowing down. While it’s exhilarating to explore new destinations and check off bucket list items, there’s a deeper and more enriching way to experience the world. It involves immersing yourself in the natural beauty of your chosen destination, finding serenity in nature’s embrace, and allowing your journey to be a genuine voyage of discovery.

The Gift of Traveling Slow

Slowing down during your travels isn’t about doing less; it’s about savouring more. It’s about embracing the concept of “slow travel,” which encourages you to immerse yourself in the culture, environment, and rhythm of a place. Here’s how you can incorporate the joys of slow travel while revelling in the beauty of nature:

1. Seek Destinations Off the Beaten Path

When planning your next adventure, consider destinations that are less frequented by tourists. Remote villages, untouched wilderness, or hidden oases can provide a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of crowded tourist hotspots.

2. Embrace Digital Detox

Slowing down in nature often means disconnecting from the digital world. Use your travels as an opportunity to take a break from screens and immerse yourself fully in the sights, sounds, and sensations of your surroundings.

3. Engage with Locals

Take time to interact with the local community. Strike up conversations with villagers, learn about their way of life, and gain a deeper understanding of the cultural and ecological significance of the place you’re visiting. Locals can be the best guides to the hidden treasures of their land.

4. Wander Aimlessly

Give yourself the freedom to explore without a fixed itinerary. Wander through the streets of a charming town, follow a meandering trail in the forest, or simply sit by a pristine lake and let the day unfold at its own pace. Spontaneity often leads to the most memorable moments.

5. Immerse in Nature

Allocate a significant portion of your travel time to nature. Hike through lush forests, camp by serene lakes, or embark on wildlife safaris. Nature provides a sense of calm, awe, and connection that is unparalleled.

6. Practice Mindful Travel

Traveling slow is an opportunity to practice mindfulness. Pay attention to the details of your surroundings – the colours of the landscape, the textures of the terrain, the scents of the wilderness. This sensory awareness enhances your travel experience.

7. Capture the Beauty

Photography or sketching can be a way to connect more deeply with nature and your surroundings. Capture the breathtaking landscapes, the unique flora and fauna, or the smiles of the people you meet. These mementos will help you relive the magic of your journey.

8. Extend Your Stay

Instead of rushing from one destination to the next, consider extending your stay in a place that resonates with you. Spending more time in one location allows you to forge a deeper connection and truly immerse yourself in the local culture and environment.

Traveling slow, particularly in the heart of nature, is a profound and enriching experience. It offers not just snapshots of places but an understanding of their essence. It’s an invitation to find serenity, to celebrate the beauty of our planet, and to embark on a journey of self-discovery. So, as you plan your next adventure, consider embracing the art of traveling slow, and let nature be your guide to a more profound and meaningful exploration of our incredible world.

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I'm Emilie – Photographer, Published Author & Creative Director behind @helloemilie

A light-painter, story-teller and curious mind. Creating through a visual lens is how I learn and connect with the world around me. My style of dream-like imagery has led me to all corners of our planet to discover the light, beauty and interconnections all around us.

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Photographer, Published Author & the creative mind behind @helloemilie

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