
Forever Wandering: The Launch of My First Book

September 14, 2023

As a photographer and the creative mind behind @helloemilie, my aim has always been to capture the enchanting beauty of our natural world. This book is a testament to that passion. Through its pages, I invite you to embark on a visual voyage, where you’ll encounter otherworldly landscapes and dive into photographic studies of the delicate ecosystems that make our planet a remarkable and unique home for all of us.

Forever Wandering: The Launch of My First Book
Forever Wandering: The Launch of My First Book
Forever Wandering: The Launch of My First Book
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Photographer, Published Author & Creative Director behind @helloemilie. My style of dream-like imagery has led me to all corners of our planet to discover the light, beauty and interconnections all around us.


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With my heart brimming with gratitude, I’m thrilled to announce the release of my very first book, Forever Wandering. This labor of love has been years in the making, born from countless wanderings around the globe, and it’s a joy to finally hold it in my hands and share it with all of you.

As a photographer and the creative mind behind @helloemilie, my aim has always been to capture the enchanting beauty of our natural world. This book is a testament to that passion. Through its pages, I invite you to embark on a visual voyage, where you’ll encounter otherworldly landscapes and dive into photographic studies of the delicate ecosystems that make our planet a remarkable and unique home for all of us.

The images within Forever Wandering unveil the breathtaking diversity of our world. From the expansive desert landscapes of Namibia to the frozen glacial icecaps of Greenland and the fiery hues of the Australian outback, each photograph tells a story of our planet’s infinite wonders. My hope is that these pages will transport your mind to the hidden corners of our world, fostering a sense of connection with the wild, even when travel seems out of reach.

In a time when our relationship with travel is evolving, and the urgency of preserving nature’s balance is greater than ever, Forever Wandering serves as a visual testament to the beauty that surrounds us. It narrates a meaningful story of how we can forge a deeper connection with our universe and, in doing so, discover a deeper connection with ourselves.

The process of creating this book has been a labor of love, a journey that began with the click of my camera shutter during my wanderings around the world. Each photograph within these pages holds a special place in my heart, and curating them into a cohesive collection was both a challenging and immensely rewarding experience.

Publishing my first international photography book, Forever Wandering, has been an incredible and humbling journey. It’s a dream I’ve nurtured for years, and seeing it come to fruition has filled me with an overwhelming sense of joy and accomplishment. As I held the first physical copy of Forever Wandering in my hands, I felt a profound sense of pride and connection to the art I’ve dedicated my life to. It’s like watching my wanderings and adventures come to life in a tangible form, a testament to the beauty of our natural world.

The international aspect of this book launch has been particularly gratifying. Knowing that my work will reach and resonate with readers and nature enthusiasts across the globe is an indescribable feeling. It’s a reminder of the universal language of nature – a language that transcends borders and speaks to the hearts of people everywhere.

More than just a collection of images, Forever Wandering tells a story – a story of our planet’s diverse landscapes, its delicate ecosystems, and the urgent need to preserve its beauty. It’s my hope that this book inspires readers to connect with nature on a deeper level, even if they can’t physically travel to these places.

To my incredible community, thank you for being a part of this journey. A heartfelt thank you to @hardiegrantbooks, @hardiegrantuk, and @booktopiabooks for helping bring this dream to life.

I invite you to embark on this journey with me, as we let the pages of Forever Wandering transport us to the hidden wonders of our world and inspire us to be at one with the wild, even when we can’t be there in person.

Thank you for being a part of this extraordinary adventure.


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I'm Emilie – Photographer, Published Author & Creative Director behind @helloemilie

As a travelling photographer my work revolves around crafting compelling visual narratives. Drawing from years of industry experience, I'm dedicated to bringing stories to life through my creative lens.

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Photographer, Published Author & the creative mind behind @helloemilie


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